Articles About Marketing and Sales

Mastering Agile Marketing with a Growth Strategy Framework

Written by Allison Chaney | May 20, 2024 12:45:00 PM

Marketing has evolved significantly and several times over the past few years.

The most recent, and maybe the largest shift any of us will ever see, has been driven by the release of generative AI. We're only beginning to understand what AI can do. But it has already introduced new channels, tools, efficiencies, and metrics for understanding and engaging with audiences.

Making sense of it all and keeping your priorities straight today can feel overwhelming. It's hard to know which marketing tactics are going to work as well as they did yesterday. It's even harder to know what new, shiny objects you should be taking advantage of.

Our answer: Conductor - a first-of-its-kind Agile Growth strategy framework built inside a functional project management environment.

In this article, we explore the structures of Agile Growth marketing and provide an inside look at how our Growth Strategy Framework (Conductor) sets the stage for success no matter what the disruption.

Conductor is available for one-time purchase or as part of your membership to our Growth Marketing Collaborative, Connector.

The Evolution of Marketing: From Pre-AI to Now

The pre-AI landscape was characterized by single-focus, heavy-lift, large-scale campaigns. It was also littered with sloggy and distracting shiny objects. As generative AI began to take hold, the focus became about hyper-efficiency.

"Chad" (which is much easier to say than ChatGPT) reduced the time it took to write a blog by upwards of 30%. THIS blog post was initiated by Hubspot's "Content Remix" feature on Content Hub. This is our second so far, and we're noting tangible productivity bosts already.

It's only been a year since Chad came along, and it's EVERYWHERE.

But there's one giant, glaring, impossible-to-ignore problem with ai. 

Being hyper-efficient at a broken thing isn't much of a flex. AI still requires a strategy and quality input. And it's not like you can expect to fake your way through it. Everybody is getting on the ai train. That means the race is ON.

Enter Agile marketing—a set of principles and playbooks borrowed from Agile software development. It emphasizes flexibility, customer feedback, iteration, and quick, repeating cycles.

Agile marketing enables businesses to adapt their strategies to real-time data and feedback. This approach contrasts sharply with the rigid, plan-driven models of the past. It offers a more dynamic and responsive way to engage with ever-changing market conditions and consumer preferences.

Call it the rigid, process-driven model of the NOW. Or, a step-by-step marketing plan that also includes the ability to turn marketing outcomes into sales wins.

Rooted in Growth Methodology

Unlike marketing disruptions of the past, the ai boom is bringing about an unprecedented cycle of change. Your greatest ally in this perpetual cycle of change is going to be an agile marketing framework... a set of methodologies, tools, and processes that help you stay lean and Agile.

Conductor is built for Experimental Marketing (click here for the free certification).

At its core, Experimental Marketing focuses on delivering value to the customer. It's a method for continuous planning, executing, evaluating, and iterating. This approach allows marketing teams to move quickly, embrace failures as learning opportunities, and pivot tactical plans in response to feedback and changes in the market.

Being built for Experimental Marketing means that everything is accounted for. It comes programmed with marketing plan steps and templates for alignment and culture development as well as the tools and exercises for collaborative strategy planning. It even comes with the latest version of our Experiment Management tool, Catalyst and the structures for ongoing experimentation.

Watch the video below to watch our introduction to Conductor:


Support for Implementing Agile Growth Marketing

Adopting an Agile framework for growth marketing starts with assembling cross-functional teams. These teams are meant to plan, execute, and analyze campaigns quickly and efficiently.

They should operate in short cycles or sprints, with clear goals and deliverables defined for each period. Regular stand-up meetings help to ensure alignment and continuous improvement.

But what if you don't have a team?

What if you don't have anybody to bounce your marketing plans off of--let alone an expert growth marketer in the room with experience running Agile marketing programs? What if you don't know how to create a marketing plan?

For you, we developed a Growth Collaborative - Connector.

For a small monthly fee, you get Conductor, and you're paired with like-minded entrepreneurs and a seasoned Growth Marketing professional.

Watch the video below to learn more:


The Future of Growth Marketing: Staying Agile

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, the principles of Agile marketing are likely to become even more critical for businesses looking to stay competitive. The ability to move quickly, adapt strategies based on data, and engage customers in more personalized and meaningful ways will differentiate the winners from the losers in the future of growth marketing.

Staying Agile means continually investing in tools, technologies, and talent that can support a data-driven, customer-centric approach to marketing. It also means fostering a culture that values flexibility, collaboration, and continuous learning.

In conclusion, mastering growth with Agile marketing is about more than just adopting a new set of tactics—it's about embracing a new way of thinking about and approaching the market. By staying responsive, data-driven, and customer-focused, businesses can unlock unprecedented levels of growth and success in an ever-changing digital world.

Learn more about our Agile Growth Strategy Framework, Conductor: