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team at a startup company giving each other a high five
GrowgyMar 25, 2024 7:22:24 AM3 min read

A Digital Marketing Agency for Startups That Gets It

A Digital Marketing Agency for Startups That Gets It

When you're investing in a digital marketing agency service for the first time, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and under-equipped. You're walking the line of "I need to bootstrap this," to "I need explosive growth," and landing on, "how the h***?!?!"

So, you begin the exciting and excruciating process of digital marketing agency exploration. You look at the "top digital marketing agencies." You look at growth hacking marketing agencies. Startup this...startup that — it doesn't take long before you realize that none of the solutions you find understand your situation. 

What's affordable doesn't get you very far. What gets you far is too complicated to manage on your own and too expensive to pay for. Where is the in-between?

But there's one digital marketing agency for startups that actually, truly gets it -- Orange Pegs.

Strategic, no matter what the budget

If there's one thing Orange Pegs is known for, it's obsession with strategy. It's that obsession that prevented them from serving the startup community until there was a model that could work with even the stringiest of shoestring budgets. The folks at the top would always say, "We want to scale down our program so you can afford it, but it will stop working."

I guess they didn't want to take your money without providing real value 🙅

So, they spent pretty much all of 2023 working on changing that.

As a foundation, a Growth strategy course was developed - Experimental Marketing. This course was designed specifically to provide boot-strapping entrepreneurs and growth professionals alike with a foundational set of skills and best practices. By rolling it out, they were forced to re-imagine the structures of their templates. By making the templates more available, the doors swung WIDE open for startups like yours.

Scalable AF

In addition to foundation, Orange Pegs packaged the template previously used for managing full-service clients so solo-preneurs can run with it completely on their own (you can find it here). But you don't have to run it on your own. Orange Pegs will provide the support at the levels you need today and scale with you as you grow

Need an experienced Growth mentor to keep you on track? No problem. Need a project manager to keep it running? No problem! Need a team of content creators because you're too busy now? No problem!!! Need somebody to run the workshops in the beginning? NO PROBLEM!!! Need somebody to take over completely because you're too busy growing? 

Well, you get the idea.

From DIY to full support, Orange Pegs doesn't relent when it comes to providing value.

Not sure where to start? Need some support developing your own startup marketing plan? They even have a DIY tool for running an honest SWOT analysis. Check out The Business Growth Plan Builder to find out what's wrong and how to fix it. It's free. And you don't have to talk to real humans — which is always a plus.

North Star-obsessed

Every startup should have a clearly defined North Star Metric (NSM). Not sure how to define yours? Not a problem! NSM planning is baked right into their process. There are SO MANY resources available on the subject. Here are a few to get started:

If you still need help, they'll help you define the NSM in workshop #1.


Cut the crap with these fake "top digital marketing agencies" that just want your money. Check out the services Orange Pegs developed with YOU in mind:



I tell it how it is. And I take Growth Strategy very seriously. If you're looking for somebody to placate your horrible ideas, let me introduce you to somebody at one of our competitors.