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Sales Enablement Services

Business growth isn't just a marketing or sales play... it's an everything play

Enablement is Empowerment

We help businesses derive value out of their growth, inbound and digital marketing investments through collaboration, tech, and accountability. By helping your sales team close business with marketing, you amplify the value of both departments. See how our program can boost inbound sales almost immediately.

Sales Enablement Toolkit

Download our guide to equip your sales enablement leaders with the b2b sales enablement tools needed to drive sales success at scale. Develop a plan that combines technology, process, content, and targeted methodology to take control of your sales outcomes.
Sales enablement strategy guide
Collaboration is Key

Sales & Marketing Alignment is Step 1

Our Sales Enablement process positions your sales and marketing teams for collaborative success. We'll help you create a plan that drives cohesion and results with all the key players.

  • Process: Best practices + you
  • Division of labor: MQL & SQL
  • Commitments: Signed SLA
Sales enablement coaching session online
Automation & Accountability

Sales Infrastructure

Seamless integration of sales enablement processes, technology, and best practices to support your sales team. We'll get you set up in cutting edge sales enablement software, and equip to you use it:

  • CRM setup
  • Template creation
  • Marketing & sales automation
Power grid connecting digital assets
Amplify your Inbound Sales Outcomes

Inbound Sales Coaching

Our Sales Enablement Team will provide you with best practices, one-on-one coaching, and supportive tools that get you moving in the right direction. Whether you need a full process overhaul or just a few minor tweaks to maximize your investments, we'll help you:

  • Adopt best practices for modern B2B selling
  • Align sales activities with business objectives
  • Transition to agile and growth-centric selling practices
Sales team cheering
Hear it from leading Sales Enablement professionals

Articles about B2B Sales

We love sharing our experiences with inbound and b2b sales. Check out some of the latest news, practices, and sales enablement toolkits, written by seasoned sales professionals. You'll also find various sales enablement content designed to get you moving fast.

"Orange Pegs didn't offer a one-size-fits-all solution; they crafted a growth hacking strategy that was uniquely suited to our business. If you're looking for a partner who will go the extra mile and set your company up for success, Orange Pegs is the company to choose!"

(read more reviews)

Anne Calabretta
Anne CalabrettaSales Manager @ Solucient Security
Orange Pegs team

Chat with a Sales Enablement Specialist

We want to help you grow your B2B. But we're not a one-size-fits-all solution (See Anne's testimonial for proof). Our program is transformative and blurs the lines between Sales and Marketing.

We're fast, and we'll expect you to match our urgency. We'll enable objective decision-making, and expect you to take advantage of it. We'll obsess over your North Star and over you, so your participation is mandatory.

In our 20-minute call, we'll discuss:

  • Your sales goals today, and the role marketing plays
  • Sales philosophy and cultural requirements
  • Diagnosis and recommendations

Fill out the form to schedule a meeting and see if we're a fit. We can help you advance your Growth objectives either way.