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Team Orange PegsOct 31, 2022 6:10:34 AM3 min read

Five Things That Terrify a Growth Marketer


It’s Halloween — an entire day dedicated to all things scary! As a leading growth marketing agency, Orange Pegs’ team of professional growth marketers have our own special set of things that go bump in the night and frighten us. 

Here’s our top five list of things that can absolutely terrify a growth marketer:

Scary Thing #1: Ghosting on Qualified Sales and Marketing Leads
Not following up on qualified sales and marketing leads can give a growth marketer the chills. Why? Because we know firsthand that failing to reach out to leads can be a waste of time and money. It’s important to note that just reaching out once is not enough. On average, only 2% of leads close in the first touch. This means if you’re not following up on leads consistently, you could be missing out on 98% of potential business. 

Scary Thing #2: Not Carving Out Time for Referral Programs
Next up on our list of things that terrify our team of growth marketers — not carving out enough time for referral campaigns. Your current book of business is one of the best ways to grow your business. Statistics show that 84% of B2B sales begin with a referral. Additionally, companies with referral programs report 71% higher conversion rates. Put simply: Failing to leverage your existing customers is like leaving money on the table. 

Scary Thing #3: A Bare Bones Email Marketing Program
Not taking advantage of email marketing can be a monstrous oversight! Many businesses strip down their email campaigns until it’s just the bare bones — but a robust and dynamic email practice can play a pivotal role in successful growth marketing solutions. In fact, according to Hubspot email ROI is an impressive $36 for every $1 spent. Email campaigns also have a 2X higher ROI than cold calling or trade shows. Best of all, it’s accessible, efficient, and effective, making it a growth marketing no-brainer. 

Scary Thing #4: Email Subject Lines With No Bite 
Of course, just sending email campaigns isn’t enough. It’s essential to leverage growth marketing strategies in every email your business sends, beginning with your subject line. Many business owners don’t realize that email subject lines are a growth marketing secret weapon. It’s true. As much as 47% of recipients open an email based on the subject line alone — AND adding the recipient’s first name in the subject line can boost open rates by 29.3%. Statistics like these make it very clear that every email launched should have a subject line with a hook or bite to compel your audience to click and keep reading!

Scary Thing #5: Sweeping the Data Under the Rug 
Sweeping the data under the rug not only terrifies our growth marketing team, but it can also prove a ghastly miscalculation for our clients. Businesses who leverage data-driven marketing strategies can increase total ROI by as much as five to eight times more than businesses that don’t. Still, this scary thing happens all too often for businesses in virtually every industry with 87% of marketers admitting that data is their company’s most underutilized asset. Fortunately, there are a number of great growth marketing tools available to help you quickly and efficiently make sense of the data, so you can finally retire your broom! 

Growth Marketing Doesn't Have to Be Scary! 

We get it. Growth marketing can be scary — but it doesn't have to be. Orange Pegs can help take the fear factor out of your growth marketing strategies. Schedule a growth assessment today to learn more. 

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